Simplified update functionality, accepts SQL script and query parameters and returns the result-set as a JSON object.
- Module:
- Definition: https://github.com/eclipse/dirigible/issues/49
- Source: /db/update.js
- Status:
- Group:
Basic Usage
import { query, update } from "sdk/db";
import { response } from "sdk/http";
update.execute("CREATE TABLE MY_TABLE (COLUMN_A INT)", [], "DefaultDB");
update.execute("INSERT INTO MY_TABLE VALUES (1)", [], "DefaultDB");
let resultSetBefore = query.execute("SELECT COLUMN_A FROM MY_TABLE", [], "DefaultDB");
response.println("Value before update: " + JSON.stringify(resultSetBefore));
update.execute("UPDATE MY_TABLE SET COLUMN_A = 2", [], "DefaultDB");
let resultSetAfter = query.execute("SELECT COLUMN_A FROM MY_TABLE", [], "DefaultDB");
response.println("Value after update: " + JSON.stringify(resultSetAfter));
update.execute("DROP TABLE MY_TABLE", [], "DefaultDB");
Function | Description | Returns |
execute(sql, parameters?, datasourceName?) | Executes a SQL update against the selected datasourceName with the provided parameters and returns the number of affected rows | int |
executeNamed(sql, parameters?, datasourceName?) | Executes a SQL update against the selected datasourceName with the provided parameters and returns the number of affected rows | int |
parameters array supports primitives e.g. [1, 'John', 34.56] or objects in format {'type':'[DATA_TYPE]', 'value':[VALUE]} e.g. [1, {'type':'CHAR', 'value':'ISBN19202323322'}] named parameters array supports objects in format {'name':[PARAM_NAME] 'type':'[DATA_TYPE]', 'value':[VALUE]} e.g. [1, {'name':'isbn', 'type':'CHAR', 'value':'ISBN19202323322'}]