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Extensions (Server)

Extension files

Extensions are used for creating custom modules and extend the functionality of the platform. They can be used both for client and server modules.

An extension must first be registered with an extension point. It is a simple JSON formatted *.extension file and can be placed anywhere in your project, although it's recommended to place it inside an extensions folder, in the root of your project.

    "module": "module.js",
    "extensionPoint": "extension-point-name",
    "description": "Example extension"

The module is a simple JavaScript file that exports functions and/or data.

exports.getFunc = () => ({
    id: 'id-data',
    path: '/uri/path/to/an/api/',

Basic Usage

Here are two examples of an extension service that can be used to retrieve extension information.

import { response } from "sdk/http";
import { extensions } from "sdk/extensions";

const customExtensions = await Promise.resolve(extensions.loadExtensionModules('extension-point-name'));
const extensionConfigs = [];

for (let i = 0; i < customExtensions?.length; i++) {

import { extensions } from "sdk/extensions";
import { response } from "sdk/http";

const mainmenu = [];
const menuExtensions = extensions.getExtensions("example-menu");
for (let i = 0; i < menuExtensions.length; i++) {
    const extensionPath = menuExtensions[i];

    // To require CommonJS extension
    // const menuExtension = require(extensionPath);
    // const menu = menuExtension.getMenu();

    // Note: ECMA6 imports are always relative, thus providing the relative path to the project root folder.
    // In this sample it's assumed that the file is located at "my-project/myFolder/file.mjs"
    const { getMenu } = await import(`../../${extensionPath}`);
    const menu = getMenu();



Function Description Returns
getExtensionPoints() Returns an array of the extension points names array of string
getExtensions(extensionPoint) Returns an array of the extensions names for the specified extension point array of string