Git Client
Git Client is used by scripting services to call git commands
- Module:
- Source: /git/client.js
- Status:
- Group:
Basic Usage
import { client } from "sdk/git"
const user = "dirigible";
const email = "";
const workspaceName = "workspace";
const projectName = "project";
const repositoryName = projectName;
const initialCommitMessage = "Initial commit";
const commitMessage = "Second commit";
const add = true;
client.initRepository(user, email, workspaceName, projectName, repositoryName, initialCommitMessage);
client.commit(user, email, workspaceName, repositoryName, commitMessage, add);
Function | Description | Returns |
initRepository(user, email, workspaceName, projectName, repositoryName, commitMessage) | Initializes a repository in the selected project | - |
commit(user, userEmail, workspaceName, repositoryName, commitMessage, add) | Creates a new commit in the selected project repository | - |
getGitRepositories(workspaceName) | Returns all git repositories in the selected workspace | Projects |
getHistory(repositoryName, workspaceName, path) | Returns git history for the selected repository | GitCommitInfoList |
deleteRepository(workspaceName, repositoryName) | Deletes git repository | - |
cloneRepository(workspaceName, repositoryUri, username, password, branch) | Clones repository from given URL in selected workspace | - |
pull(workspaceName, repositoryName, username, password) | Pull current branch of selected repository | - |
push(workspaceName, repositoryName, username, password) | Push current branch to origin | - |
checkout(workspaceName, repositoryName, branchName) | Checkout given branch | - |
createBranch(workspaceName, repositoryName, branchName, startingPoint) | Creates a new branch | - |
hardReset(workspaceName, repositoryName) | Hard reset current branch | - |
rebase(workspaceName, repositoryName, branchName) | Rebase selected branch | - |
status(workspaceName, repositoryName) | Get selected repository status | Status |
getBranch(workspaceName, repositoryName) | Get current branch | String |
getLocalBranches(workspaceName, repositoryName) | Get list of local branches | Branches |
getRemoteBranches(workspaceName, repositoryName) | Get list of remote branches | Branches |
getUnstagedChanges(workspaceName, repositoryName) | Get unstaged changes for selected repository | GitChangedFiles |
getStagedChanges(workspaceName, repositoryName) | Get staged changes for selected repository | GitChangedFiles |
getFileContent(workspaceName, repositoryName, filePath, revStr) | Get the content of selected file | String |
Function | Description | Returns |
size() | Returns the size of this GitCommitInfoList programmatically | integer |
get(index) | Gets a GitCommitInfo by index programmatically | GitCommitInfo |
Function | Description | Returns |
getId() | Gets the id of the commit | string |
getAuthor() | Gets the author of the commit | string |
getEmailAddress() | Gets the author's email address | string |
getDateTime() | Gets the date and time of the commit | string |
getMessage() | Gets the commit's message | string |
Function | Description | Returns |
isClean() | Checks whether the repository is clean | boolean |
getAdded() | Gets added files | array of strings |
getChanged() | Gets changed files | array of strings |
getRemoved() | Gets removed files | array of strings |
getMissing() | Gets missing files | array of strings |
getUntracked() | Gets untracked files | array of strings |
getUntrackedFolders() | Gets untracked folders | array of strings |
getConflicting() | Gets conflicting files | array of strings |
getIgnoredNotInIndex() | Get ignored files | array of strings |
getUncommittedChanges() | Get uncommited changes | array of strings |
Function | Description | Returns |
size() | Returns the size of this Branches list programmatically | integer |
get(index) | Gets a Branch by index programmatically | Branch |
Function | Description | Returns |
getName() | Gets the name of the branch | string |
isRemote() | Checks whether the branch is remote | boolean |
isCurrent | Checks whether the branch is current | boolean |
getCommitObjectId() | Gets the commit's object id | string |
getCommitShortId() | Gets the commit's short id | string |
getCommitDate() | Gets the commit's data | string |
getCommitMessage() | Gets the commit's message | string |
getCommitAuthor | Gets the commit's author name | string |
Function | Description | Returns |
size() | Returns the size of this GitChangedFiles list programmatically | integer |
get(index) | Gets a GitChangedFile by index programmatically | GitChangedFile |
Function | Description | Returns |
getPath() | Gets the path of the changed file | string |