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Files module provides an access to the underlying File System, where the Dirigible server is deployed on.


Note that the parameter path takes either an absolute path or relative path from your working instance of Dirigible

Basic Usage

import { files } from "sdk/io";

let tempFile = files.createTempFile("dirigible", ".txt");

console.log("Temp file: " + tempFile);

files.writeText(tempFile, "Eclipse Dirigible");


Constant Description Returns
separator OS file separator string


Function Description Returns
list(path) List files under this path array of string
exists(path) Whether a file by this path exists boolean
isExecutable(path) Whether the file by this path is executable boolean
isReadable(path) Whether the file by this path is readable boolean
isWritable(path) Whether the file by this path is writable boolean
isHidden(path) Whether the file by this path is hidden boolean
isDirectory(path) Whether the file by this path is directory boolean
isFile(path) Whether the file by this path is file boolean
isSameFile(path1, path2) Whether the files by these path1 and path2 are pointing to the same file boolean
getCanonicalPath(path) Returns the canonical path of the file by this path string
getName(path) Returns the name of the file by this path string
getParentPath(path) Returns the parent's path of the file by this path string
readBytes(path) Returns the content of the given file as byte array array of bytes
readBytesNative(path) Returns the content of the given file as array of Java bytes array of Java bytes
readText(path) Returns the content of the given file as string string
writeBytes(path, bytes) Writes the given byte array content to the file -
writeBytesNative(path, bytes) Writes the given array of Java bytes content to the file -
writeText(path, text) Writes the given text content to the file -
getLastModified(path) Returns the last modification date of the file by this path Date
setLastModified(path, date) Sets the last modification date of the file by this path -
getOwner(path) Returns the owner of the file by this path string
setOwner(path, owner) Sets the owner of the file by this path -
getPermissions(path) Returns the POSIX permissions of the file by this path string
setPermissions(path, owner) Sets the POSIX permissions of the file by this path -
size(path) Returns the size of the file by this path long
createFile(path) Creates a new file by the given path -
createDirectory(path) Creates a new directory by the given path -
copy(source, target) Copies a source file to a target -
move(source, target) Moves a source file to a target -
deleteFile(path) Deletes the file by the given path -
deleteDirectory(path) Deletes the directory by the given path -
createTempFile(prefix, suffix) Creates a new temporary file by the given prefix and suffix -
createTempDirectory(prefix) Creates a new temporary directory by the given prefix -
createInputStream(path) Creates an InputStream pointing to a file by the given path streams.InputStream
createOutputStream(path) Creates an OutputStream pointing to a file by the given path streams.OutputStream