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FTP Client

FTP Client API provides utility functions for working with FTP servers.

  • Module: io/ftp
  • Definition: n/a
  • Source: /io/ftp.js
  • Status: stable
  • Group: core

Basic Usage

import { ftp } from "sdk/io";
import { response } from "sdk/http";

const host = "";
const port = 21;
const userName = "demo";
const password = "password";

let ftpClient = ftp.getClient(host, port, userName, password);
let file = ftpClient.getFileText("/", "readme.txt");



Function Description Returns
getClient(host, port, userName, password) Returns a FTP Client instance FTPClient



Function Description Returns
getRootFolder() Gets the root folder FTPFolder
getFile(path, fileName) Gets the file content as an input stream InputStream
getFileBinary(path, fileName) Gets the file content as byte array byte array
getFileText(path, fileName) Gets the file content as string string
getFolder(path, folderName) Gets the folder FTPFolder
createFile(path, fileName, inputStream) Creates file from InputStream and return true if the file was created successfully boolean
createFileBinary(path, fileName, bytes) Creates file from byte array and return true if the file was created successfully boolean
createFileText(path, fileName, text) Creates file from string and return true if the file was created successfully boolean
appendFile(path, fileName, inputStream) Appends InputStream to file and return true if the file was created successfully boolean
appendFileBinary(path, fileName, bytes) Appends byte array to file and return true if the file was created successfully boolean
appendFileText(path, fileName, text) Appends string to file and return true if the file was created successfully boolean
createFolder(path, folderName) Creates folder FTPFolder
deleteFile(path, fileName) Deletes file boolean
deleteFolder(path, folderName) Deletes folder boolean
close() Closes the FPT client -


Function Description Returns
getPath() Gets the folder path string
getName() Gets the folder name string
getFile(fileName) Gets FTPFile by fileName FTPFile
getFolder(folderName) Gets FTPFolder by folderName FTPFolder
list() Gets array of FTPObjects FTPObject array
listFiles() Gets array of FTPFiles FTPFile array
listFolders() Gets array of FTPFolder FTPFolder array
createFile(fileName, inputStream) Creates file from InputStream and return true if the file was created successfully boolean
createFileBinary(fileName, bytes) Creates file from byte array and return true if the file was created successfully boolean
createFileText(fileName, text) Creates file from string and return true if the file was created successfully boolean
createFolder(folder) Creates FTPFolder FTPFolder
delete() Deletes the current folder boolean
deleteFile(fileName) Deletes FTPFile boolean
deleteFolder(folderName) Deletes FTPFolder boolean


Function Description Returns
getPath() Gets the folder path string
getName() Gets the folder name string
getContent() Gets the file content InputStream
getContentBinary() Gets the file content byte array
getContentText() Gets the file content string
setContent(inputStream) Sets the file content from an InputStream boolean
setContentBinary(bytes) Sets the file content from byte array boolean
setContentText(text) Sets the file content from string boolean
appendContent(inputStream) Appends file content from an InputStream boolean
appendContentBinary(bytes) Appends file content from an byte array boolean
appendContentText(text) Appends file content from string boolean
delete() Deletes the file boolean


Function Description Returns
getPath() Gets the object path string
getName() Gets the object name string
isFile() Returns true if the object is file boolean
isFolder() Returns true if the object is folder boolean
getFile() Gets object as FTPFile FTPFile
getFolder() Gets object as FTPFolder FTPFolder