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Job Scheduler

Job Scheduler provides convenient API for managing Job state and execution.

Basic Usage

import { scheduler } from "sdk/job";

let job = scheduler.getJob("/sample-job/myjob.job");
let param = job.getParameter("myParam");

console.log('Param is: ' + param);


Function Description Returns
getJobs() Returns the list of all the registered user jobs Job array
getJob(name) Gets a Job object by its name Job
enable(name) Enables the Job regular execution -
disable(name) Disables the Job regular execution -
trigger(name, parameters) Triggers the Job regular execution with parameters -
log(name, message) Logs a message with normal severity -
error(name, message) Logs a message with error severity -
warn(name, message) Logs a message with warn severity -
info(name, message) Logs a message with info severity -



Function Description Returns
getName() Returns the name of the Job string
getGroup() Returns the group of the Job string
getClazz() Returns the clazz of the Job string
getDescription() Returns the description of the Job string
getExpression() Returns the expression of the Job string
getHandler() Returns the handler of the Job string
getEngine() Returns the engine of the Job string
getSingleton() Returns the singleton flag of the Job string
getEnabled() Returns the enabled state of the Job string
getCreatedBy() Returns the created by user of the Job string
getCreatedAt() Returns the created at timestamp of the Job string
getParameters() Returns the parameters object of the Job JobParameters
getParameter(name) Returns the value of the parameter of the Job string
enable() Enables the Job -
disable() Disables the Job -
trigger() Triggers the Job -
log(message) Logs a message with normal severity -
error(message) Logs a message with error severity -
warn(message) Logs a message with warn severity -
info(message) Logs a message with info severity -


Function Description Returns
get(i) Returns the parameter by the index JobParameter
count() Returns the number of the parameters number


Function Description Returns
getName() Returns the name of the Parameter string
getDescription() Returns the description of the Parameter string
getType() Returns the type of the Parameter string
getDefaultValue() Returns the default value of the Parameter string
getChoices() Returns the choices of the Parameter string