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Dirigible allows you to change the branding of the platform. You will have to replace the default platform-branding module with your own.

  • Module: platform-branding
  • Source: platform-branding/branding.js
  • Web Link: /services/web/platform-branding/branding.js
  • Status: stable
  • Group: platform

Basic Usage

The branding object:

const brandingInfo = {
    name: 'Dirigible',
    brand: 'Eclipse Dirigible',
    brandUrl: '',
    icons: {
        faviconIco: '/services/web/platform-branding/images/favicon.ico',
        favicon32: '/services/web/platform-branding/images/favicon-32x32.png',
        favicon16: '/services/web/platform-branding/images/favicon-16x16.png',
    logo: '/services/web/platform-branding/images/dirigible.svg',
    keyPrefix: 'dirigible'
  • brandingInfo - This is the configuration object itself. It must be a const and it must always be called "brandingInfo".
    • name - Brand name that will be used for titles.
    • brand - Brand name that will be used for the the shellbar.
    • brandUrl - URL to the brand/product that will be used in the about information.
    • icons - FavIcons
      • faviconIco - FavIcon in .ico format
      • favicon32 - FavIcon in .png format in 32x32px size.
      • favicon16 - FavIcon in .png format in 16x16px size.
    • logo - Link to the brand logo.
    • keyPrefix - When saving data to the local storage (opened tabs, layout configuration, etc.), this prefix will be used.