Dirigible allows you to change the branding of the platform.
- Module:
- Source: platform-branding/branding.js
- Source: platform-branding/branding.mjs
- Source: platform-core/utilities/view.js
- JS Link:
- Web Link:
- Status:
- Group:
Setting the brand information
There are two ways to do this:
Configure the branding environment variables.
Use the setBrandingInfo
name: 'Dirigible',
brand: 'Eclipse',
brandUrl: '',
icons: {
favicon: '/services/web/platform-branding/images/favicon.ico',
logo: '/services/web/platform-branding/images/dirigible.svg',
theme: 'blimpkit-auto',
prefix: 'dirigible'
Parameter | Description | Required |
name | The product name | no |
brand | The brand name | no |
brandUrl | The brand/product URL | no |
icons | Favicons | no |
icons.favicon | Favicon in .ico format |
no |
logo | The brand/product logo | no |
theme | The default theme ID | no |
prefix | The prefix used for cookie and localStorage value keys | no |
Getting the brand information
const branding = getBrandingInfo();
The branding constant will be a reference to the global branding information object, which will have the same structure as the set function object parameter.
Initializing the branding
For standard Dirigible shells/perspectives/views/etc. you can just use the loader. Example:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/services/js/platform-core/services/loader.js?id=view-js"></script>
In a custom view, you must include those two files in your shell/perspective/view/etc. and make sure they are the first to load.
<script type="text/javascript" src="/services/js/platform-branding/branding.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/services/web/platform-core/utilities/view.js"></script>