Controls the layout. Extends MessageHub.
- Module:
- Source: platform-core/ui/platform/layout-hub.js
- Web Link:
- Status:
- Group:
Basic Usage
If you are using the standard Dirigible view configuration, layout support is automatically enabled.
If you are making a custom view, you can include the API using the web link above.
To initialize it:
const layoutHub = new LayoutHub();
This hub is different compared to the others. All hubs listen to changes globally, meaning that, for example, if View A
in Perspective A
with Layout A
sends a message using the WorkspaceHub that there is a change to a workspace and View B
in Perspective B
with Layout B
is listening for workspace changes, then View B
will receive that message despite being in a completely different perspective and layout.
The LayoutHub is going to react to changes only from views that are inside it, not to outside changes. If View A
in Perspective A
requests for View C
to be opened, the view will be opened only in the Perspective A
layout and Perspective B
will not change.
Param | Type | Description |
[layoutId] | string |
Layout id. By default, it's the perspective id. |
[setId] | boolean |
When creating a layout, this parameter must be set to true as it will register the current window object as a layout one and set a layoutId parameter in it. This will help all child views to get the layout id automatically. |
Function | Description | Returns |
getOpenedViews(ParamsObject) | Returns a list of opened view ids. | Promise |
onGetOpenedViews(handlerFunc) | Registers a listener. Triggered when a list of opened views is requested. Returns a function to unregister the listener. | function |
isViewOpen(IdParamObject) | Returns true if a view is opened. | Promise |
onIsViewOpen(handlerFunc) | Registers a listener. Triggered when a view opened state check is requested. Returns a function to unregister the listener. | function |
openView(IdParamObject) | Opens a view. | - |
onOpenView(handlerFunc) | Registers a listener. Triggered when a view should be opened. Returns a function to unregister the listener. | function |
focusView(IdParamObject) | Focuses a view. | - |
onFocusView(handlerFunc) | Registers a listener. Triggered when a view should be focused. Returns a function to unregister the listener. | function |
closeView(IdParamObject) | Closes a view. | - |
onCloseView(handlerFunc) | Registers a listener. Triggered when a view should be closed. Returns a function to unregister the listener. | function |
closeOtherViews(IdParamObject) | Closes all other views. | - |
onCloseOtherViews(handlerFunc) | Registers a listener. Triggered when other views should be closed. Returns a function to unregister the listener. | function |
closeAllViews(ParamsObject) | Closes all views. | - |
onCloseAllViews(handlerFunc) | Registers a listener. Triggered when all views should be closed. Returns a function to unregister the listener. | function |
setViewDirty(ViewDirtyObject) | Sets the dirty state of a view. | - |
onViewDirty(handlerFunc) | Registers a listener. Triggered when a view's dirty state should be changed. Returns a function to unregister the listener. | function |
openEditor(OpenEditorParams) | Sends a message containing information on which editor has to be opened. | - |
onOpenEditor(handlerFunc) | Triggered when an editor has to be opened. | function |
closeEditor(PathParams) | Sends a message containing information on which editor has to be closed. | - |
onCloseEditor(handlerFunc) | Triggered when an editor has to be closed. | function |
closeAllEditors(Params) | Sends a message when all editors should be closed. | - |
onCloseAllEditors(handlerFunc) | Triggered when editors have to be closed. | function |
focusEditor(FocusParams) | Tells an editor that it has been focused. | - |
onFocusEditor() | Triggered when an editor gains focus. | function |
setEditorDirty(EditorDirtyParams) | Sends a message containing information on which editor has to be set to dirty. | - |
onSetEditorDirty(handlerFunc) | Triggered when an editor has to be set as dirty. | function |
isEditorDirty(PathParams) | Gets the dirty state of an editor. | Promise |
onIsEditorDirty(handlerFunc) | Triggered when an editor's dirty state is requested. | function |
isEditorOpen(PathParams) | Checks if an editor is open. | Promise |
onIsEditorOpen(handlerFunc) | Triggered when performing a check for an open editor. | function |
getCurrentlyOpenedEditors(GetOpenedParams) | Gets all file paths from the currently opened editors. | Promise |
onGetCurrentlyOpenedEditors(handlerFunc) | Triggered when a list of opened files is requested. | function |
reloadEditorParams(PathParams) | Tells an editor that it should reload its view parameters. | - |
onReloadEditorParams(handlerFunc) | Triggered when an editor should reload its view parameters. | function |
- IdParamObject :
- ParamsObject :
- ViewDirtyObject :
- OpenEditorParams :
- PathParams :
- Params :
- FocusParams :
- EditorDirtyParams :
- GetOpenedParams :
Params in square brackets are optional.
IdParamObject : Object
Param | Type | Description |
id | string |
View id. |
[params] | object |
Custom parameters. See ViewParameters. |
ParamsObject : Object
Param | Type | Description |
[params] | object |
Custom parameters. See ViewParameters. |
ViewDirtyObject : Object
Param | Type | Description |
id | string |
View id. |
dirty | boolean |
Dirty state. |
[params] | object |
Custom parameters. See ViewParameters. |
OpenEditorParams : Object
Param | Type | Description |
path | string |
Full file path, including file name. |
contentType | string |
The file content type. |
[editorId] | string |
The ID of the preffered editor. |
[params] | Object.<any, any> |
Extra parameters that will be passed to the view parameters of the editor. |
PathParams : Object
Param | Type | Description |
path | string |
Full file path, including file name. |
[params] | Object.<any, any> |
Extra parameters. |
Params : Object
Param | Type | Description |
[params] | Object.<any, any> |
Extra parameters. |
FocusParams : Object
Param | Type | Description |
id | string |
Editor tab id. |
[path] | string |
Full file path, including file name. |
[params] | object |
Custom parameters. |
EditorDirtyParams : Object
Param | Type | Description |
path | string |
Full file path, including file name. |
dirty | boolean |
File dirty state. |
[params] | Object.<any, any> |
Extra parameters. |
GetOpenedParams : Object
Param | Type | Description |
basePath | string |
If provided, it will only return files with a matching base path. |
If you want your view to just communicate with the layout that it's in:
const layoutHub = new LayoutHub();
If you want your view to just communicate with the layout that somewere else in the application:
const layoutHub = new LayoutHub('other-layout-id');
If you want your view/perspective to be registered as a layout or layout-containing and receive layout events:
const layoutHub = new LayoutHub('some-layout-id', true);
To open a view:
id: 'exampleView',
params: {
title: 'Example',