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Eclipse Dirigible uses the default BlimpKit theme and it also has a classic theme, based on the SAP Fiori design.

Both themes can be found in the BlimpKit repository.

The ThemingHub API is used to get/set the currect theme and listen for theme changes. Extends MessageHub.


You can register a new theme using the platform-themes extension point.

This file is usually put inside a folder named extensions, in the root of the project.


    "module": "new-theme/configs/theme-light.js",
    "extensionPoint": "platform-themes",
    "description": "Example Theme"


The 'module' parameter above should point to a valid JavaScript configuration module.

Configuration module

In order to register a new theme in the platform, you must provide a valid configuration module.

This file is usually put inside a folder named configs, in the root of the project.


exports.getTheme = () => ({
    id: 'example-theme',
    name: 'Example Theme',
    type: 'light',
    version: 1,
    links: [
  • getTheme - This function must return the configuration object and it must be exported.
    • id - Unique theme ID.
    • name - User-facing name.
    • type - There are three types of themes - light, dark and auto.
    • version - Theme version.
    • links - List containing the URL path to the theme files.

The project structure should look like this:

- extensions
    - theme.extension
- configs
    - theme.js
- css
    - new-theme-variables.css
    - new-theme.css

Basic Usage

If you are using the standard Dirigible view configuration, theme support is initialized automatically by setting <theme></theme> tag at the end of the view body.

If you are making a custom view, you can include the API using the web link above.

To initialize it, place this in your code:

const themingHub = new ThemingHub();


Function Description Returns
getSavedTheme() Returns the current theme configuration object
setSavedTheme(theme) Sets a theme configuration object
onThemesLoaded(handlerFunc) Registers a listener. Triggered when all themes are loaded. Returns a function to unregister the listener. function
themesLoaded() Triggers an event for onThemesLoaded -
onThemeChange(handlerFunc) Registers a theme change listener. Returns a function to unregister the listener. function
themeChanged(ThemeChange) Triggers an event for onThemeChange -



Params in square brackets are optional.

ThemeChange : Object

Param Type Description
id string ID of the theme.
type 'light' | 'dark' | 'auto' Type of the theme.
links Array.<string> Links to the theme css files.


let currentTheme;
const themesLoadedListener = themingHub.onThemesLoaded(() => {
    currentTheme = themingHub.getSavedTheme());