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Connecting Eclipse Dirigible with SendGrid SMTP Relay

Recent changes in Gmail's policies allows Eclipse Dirigible users to send emails only via Workspace enabled accounts in G Suite and require workspace administration privileges. By connecting Eclipse Dirigible with Twilio SendGrid's SMTP Relay feature you can send emails with your personal gmail account.


SendGrid is a 3rd party service and charges/limits apply. Here you can find more information about their Email API Plans.

Setup SendGrid Account

  1. Create a SendGrid account at
  2. Login at
  3. Verify a single sender email:

    • Click SettingsSender AuthenticationVerify a Single Sender.
    • Enter the details of the email address that Eclipse Dirigible mails will be sent from.

    Create Single Sender

  4. Setup SMTP Relay:

    • Click Email APIIntegration GuideSMTP Relay.
    • Enter an API Key Name and click Create Key to get an API Key for your SendGrid SMTP Relay.
    • Notice the Configure your application section, the credentials from it will be used to configure the mail client.

    API Key

Setup Eclipse Dirigible


You can follow the Setup guide on how to deploy Eclipse Dirigible locally or in the cloud.

  1. Add the following environment variables to your deployment:



    Replace the <YOUR_API_KEY_HERE> placeholder with the SendGrid SMTP Relay API key.

  2. Restart the Eclipse Dirigible instance in order to apply the new environment variables.

Environment Variables

To get a complete list of all environment variables navigate to the Environment Variables page.

Send an Email with SendGrid SMTP Relay

  1. Login to your Eclipse Dirigible instance.
  2. Create new project.
  3. Create new Javascript ESM Service.
  4. Use the following sinippet to send emails:

    import { client as mail } from "sdk/mail";
    const to = "<YOUR_RECIPIENT_EMAIL_HERE>";
    const subject = "Subject";
    const content = "Hello World!";
    const subType = "html";
    mail.send(from, to, subject, content, subType);


    Replace the <YOUR_VERIFIED_SENDER_EMAIL_HERE> and the <YOUR_RECIPIENT_EMAIL_HERE> placeholders with valid email addresses.

    Mail Delivered