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Create Google DNS Zone Setup


  • Enable Cloud DNS API.
  • install gcloud
  • install gcloud component gcloud components install kubectl
  • Access to Kubernetes cluster gcloud auth login.
  • Update the kubectl configuration to use the plugin gcloud container clusters get-credentials <your-cluster> --zone <your-cluster-zone>


  1. Create managed DNS Zone

    Google Cloud console

    • In the Google Cloud console, go to the Create a DNS zone page.

      `Go to Create a DNS zone`
    • For the Zone type, select Public.

    • Enter a Zone name such as my-new-zone.

    • Enter a DNS name suffix for the zonegcloud config set project PROJECT_ID using a domain name that you own. All records in the zone share this suffix, for example:

    • Under DNSSEC, select Off, On, or Transfer. For more information, see Enable DNSSEC for existing managed zones.

    • Click Create. The Zone details page is displayed.

    Set the project

    • Set the project on which you will create DNS Zone gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
    • Set the project in every command --project <your-project-id>.
    gcloud dns managed-zones create NAME \
    --description=DESCRIPTION \
    --dns-name=DNS_SUFFIX \
    --labels=LABELS \

    Replace Placeholders

    • DESCRIPTION with your description.
    • LABELS with your label.
    • DNS_SUFFIX with your main domain or subdomain.
  2. Get Ingress IP address

    kubectl get ingress <your-ingressgateway-name>
    check column ADDRESS

    kubectl get service -n istio-ingress istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}"
    • Change namespace istio-ingress to match your installation.


  3. Create A record in Cloud DNS

    • Set zone for which you will create records

      gcloud dns record-sets transaction start --zone=<your-cloud-dns-zone-name>
    • Add A record

      gcloud dns record-sets transaction add <ingress-ip-address> \
      --name=dirigible.<your-cloud-dns-zone-name> \
      --ttl=300 \
      --type=A \
    • Apply the new record

    gcloud dns record-sets transaction execute --zone=<your-cloud-dns-zone-name>
    - Promote ephemeral ip to reserve

    gcloud compute addresses create <name-for-reserver-ip> --addresses=<ingress-ip-address> \
    • Get your current DNS records for your zone

      gcloud dns record-sets list --zone=<your-cloud-dns-zone-name>

    Replace Placeholders

    Before run the commands, replace the following placeholders:

    • <your-cloud-dns-zone-name> with your Google cloud dnz zone name.

  4. Add name servers


    If you configure subdomain add Google name servers to your main domain control panel for this subdomain example:,,,


    At the end you need to update your domain's name servers to use Cloud DNS to publish your new records to the internet. Example:,,,