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Custom Stack - Advanced Facade


This section will guide you through the different ways of creating a TypeScript API for the Eclipse Dirigible Custom Stack.


  • Node.js 18+ - Node.js versions can be found here
  • esbuild 0.19+ - esbuild versions can be found here
  • tsc 5.2+ - tsc versions can be found here
  • The Facade section is completed.


Create Java Facade

  • Navigate to the root folder of the custom stack (e.g. <my-custom-stack-path>/custom-stack).
  • Navigate to the apis/src/main/java/io/dirigible/samples/ folder.
  • Create,,, and files.
  1. Create new apis/src/main/java/io/dirigible/samples/api/domain/ file.
  2. Paste the following content:
package io.dirigible.samples.api.domain;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Example {

    private String id;

    private String name;

    private List<SubExample> subexamples = new ArrayList<>();

    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public List<SubExample> getSubexamples() {
        return subexamples;

    public void setId(String id) { = id;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public void setSubexamples(List<SubExample> subexamples) {
        this.subexamples = subexamples;

    public Example withId(String id) {
        return this;

    public Example withName(String name) {
        return this;

    public Example withSubexamples(List<SubExample> subexamples) {
        return this;
  1. Create new apis/src/main/java/io/dirigible/samples/api/domain/ file.
  2. Paste the following content:
package io.dirigible.samples.api.domain;

import java.util.Date;

public class SubExample {

    private Date date;

    public Date getDate() {
        return date;

    public void setDate(Date date) { = date;

    public SubExample withDate(Date date) {
        return this;
  1. Create new apis/src/main/java/io/dirigible/samples/api/domain/input/ file.
  2. Paste the following content:
package io.dirigible.samples.api.domain.input;

public class ExampleRequest {

    private String exampleId;
    private String exampleName;

    public String getExampleId() {
        return exampleId;

    public void setExampleId(String exampleId) {
        this.exampleId = exampleId;

    public String getExampleName() {
        return exampleName;

    public void setExampleName(String exampleName) {
        this.exampleName = exampleName;

    public ExampleRequest withExampleId(String exampleId) {
        return this;

    public ExampleRequest withExampleName(String exampleName) {
        return this;
  1. Create new apis/src/main/java/io/dirigible/samples/api/domain/output/ file.
  2. Paste the following content:
package io.dirigible.samples.api.domain.output;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import io.dirigible.samples.api.domain.Example;

public class ExampleResponse {

    private List<Example> examples = new ArrayList<>();

    public List<Example> getExamples() {
        return examples;

    public void setExamples(List<Example> examples) {
        this.examples = examples;

    public ExampleResponse withExamples(List<Example> examples) {
        return this;
  1. Create new apis/src/main/java/io/dirigible/samples/api/service/ file.
  2. Paste the following content:
package io.dirigible.samples.api.service;

import io.dirigible.samples.api.domain.input.ExampleRequest;
import io.dirigible.samples.api.domain.output.ExampleResponse;

public interface ExampleService {

    ExampleResponse doExample(ExampleRequest request);

Create TypeScript API

  • Navigate to the root folder of the custom stack (e.g. <my-custom-stack-path>/custom-stack).
  • Navigate to the apis/src/main/resources/META-INF/dirigible/custom-api/ folder.
  • Create Example.ts, SubExample.ts, ExampleRequest.ts and ExampleResponse.ts files.


    The TypeScript files are 1:1 representation of the Java classes. They have the same methods, signature and logic as the Java classes. All TypeScript files are in the custom-api folder and don't follow the Java packages nesting, just for simplicity.

  1. Create new apis/src/main/resources/META-INF/dirigible/custom-api/Example.ts file.
  2. Paste the following content:
import { SubExample } from "./SubExample";

export class Example {

    // @ts-ignore
    private id: string;

    // @ts-ignore
    private name: string;

    // @ts-ignore
    private subexamples: SubExample[] = [];

    public getId(): string {

    public getName(): string {

    public getSubexamples(): SubExample[] {
        return this.subexamples;

    public setId(id: string): void { = id;

    public setName(name: string): void { = name;

    public setSubexamples(subexamples: SubExample[]): void {
        this.subexamples = subexamples;

    public withId(id: string): Example {
        return this;

    public withName(name: string): Example {
        return this;

    public withSubexamples(subexamples: SubExample[]): Example {
        return this;
  1. Create new apis/src/main/resources/META-INF/dirigible/custom-api/SubExample.ts file.
  2. Paste the following content:
export class SubExample {

    // @ts-ignore
    private date: Date;

    public getDate(): Date {

    public setDate(date: Date): void { = date;

    public withDate(date: Date): SubExample {
        return this;
  1. Create new apis/src/main/resources/META-INF/dirigible/custom-api/ExampleRequest.ts file.
  2. Paste the following content:
export class ExampleRequest {

    // @ts-ignore
    private exampleId: string;

    // @ts-ignore
    private exampleName: string;

    public getExampleId(): string {
        return this.exampleId;

    public setExampleId(exampleId: string): void {
        this.exampleId = exampleId;

    public getExampleName(): string {
        return this.exampleName;

    public setExampleName(exampleName: string): void {
        this.exampleName = exampleName;

    public withExampleId(exampleId: string): ExampleRequest {
        return this;

    public withExampleName(exampleName: string): ExampleRequest {
        return this;
  1. Create new apis/src/main/resources/META-INF/dirigible/custom-api/ExampleResponse.ts file.
  2. Paste the following content:
import { Example } from "./Example";

export class ExampleResponse {

    private examples: Example[] = [];

    public getExamples(): Example[] {
        return this.examples;

    public setExamples(examples: Example[]): void {
        this.examples = examples;

    public withExamples(examples: Example[]): ExampleResponse {
        return this;

Create Java Client Facade

  • Navigate to the root folder of the custom stack (e.g. <my-custom-stack-path>/custom-stack).
  • Navigate to the apis/src/main/java/io/dirigible/samples/ folder.
  • Create and files. vs

There is a difference in the method signature of the ExampleClient and the ExampleClientV2 classes. Although they have the same functionallity there is difference in the input parameter type and the return type.

In ExampleClient:

public ExampleResponse doExample(ExampleRequest request)

In ExampleClientV2:

public String doExample(String requestAsString)

The ExampleClientV2 accepts String input parameter instead of ExampleRequest and returns also String instead of ExampleResponse. Inside the implementation Gson is used to parse and to stringify the JSON representation of the ExampleRequest and the ExampleResponse.

This technique is used to simplify the integration between the Java facade and the TypeScript API.

  1. Create new apis/src/main/java/io/dirigible/samples/api/client/ file.
  2. Paste the following content:
package io.dirigible.samples.api.client;

import java.util.Date;


import io.dirigible.samples.api.domain.Example;
import io.dirigible.samples.api.domain.SubExample;
import io.dirigible.samples.api.domain.input.ExampleRequest;
import io.dirigible.samples.api.domain.output.ExampleResponse;
import io.dirigible.samples.api.service.ExampleService;

public class ExampleClient implements ExampleService {

    public ExampleResponse doExample(ExampleRequest request) {
        final var exampleResponse = new ExampleResponse();
        final var subexample = new SubExample().withDate(new Date());
        final var example = new Example().withId(request.getExampleId()).withName("Example Name");
        return exampleResponse;

  1. Create new apis/src/main/java/io/dirigible/samples/api/client/ file.
  2. Paste the following content:
package io.dirigible.samples.api.client;

import java.util.Date;


import io.dirigible.samples.api.domain.Example;
import io.dirigible.samples.api.domain.SubExample;
import io.dirigible.samples.api.domain.input.ExampleRequest;
import io.dirigible.samples.api.domain.output.ExampleResponse;

public class ExampleClientV2 {

    public String doExample(String requestAsString) {
        final var gson = new Gson();
        final var request = gson.fromJson(requestAsString, ExampleRequest.class);
        final var exampleResponse = new ExampleResponse();
        final var subexample = new SubExample().withDate(new Date());
        final var example = new Example().withId(request.getExampleId()).withName("Example Name");
        return gson.toJson(exampleResponse);


Create TypeScript API Client

  • Navigate to the root folder of the custom stack (e.g. <my-custom-stack-path>/custom-stack).
  • Navigate to the apis/src/main/resources/META-INF/dirigible/custom-api/ folder.
  • Create ExampleClient.ts, ExampleClientV2.ts, ExampleRequestV2.ts and ExampleResponseV2.ts files.

ExampleClient.ts vs ExampleClientV2.ts

The ExampleClient uses the native Java objects, so it has to follow the Java way of creation of objects and assigning properties.

The ExampleClientV2 uses TypeScript interfaces, that represents the Java classes (see ExampleRequestV2.ts and ExampleResponseV2.ts) to follow the TypeScript way of creation of objects and assigning properties.

  1. Create new apis/src/main/resources/META-INF/dirigible/custom-api/ExampleClient.ts file.
  2. Paste the following content:
import { ExampleResponse } from "./ExampleResponse";
import { ExampleRequest } from "./ExampleRequest";
import { Example } from "./Example";
import { SubExample } from "./SubExample";

const ExampleClientClass = Java.type("io.dirigible.samples.api.client.ExampleClient");
const ExampleRequestClass = Java.type("io.dirigible.samples.api.domain.input.ExampleRequest");

export class ExampleClient {

    public doExample(request: ExampleRequest): ExampleResponse {
        const requestObj = new ExampleRequestClass();

        const responseObj = new ExampleClientClass().doExample(requestObj);

        const examples: Example[] = [];

        for (const exampleObj of responseObj.getExamples()) {
            const example = new Example();
            const subExamples: SubExample[] = [];


            for (const subexampleObj of exampleObj.getSubexamples()) {
                const subexample = new SubExample();


        const response = new ExampleResponse();
        return response;
  1. Create new apis/src/main/resources/META-INF/dirigible/custom-api/ExampleClientV2.ts file.
  2. Paste the following content:
import { ExampleResponseV2 } from "./ExampleResponseV2";
import { ExampleRequestV2 } from "./ExampleRequestV2";

const ExampleClientV2Class = Java.type("io.dirigible.samples.api.client.ExampleClientV2");

export class ExampleClientV2 {

    public doExample(request: ExampleRequestV2): ExampleResponseV2 {
        const response = new ExampleClientV2Class().doExample(JSON.stringify(request));
        return JSON.parse(response);
  1. Create new apis/src/main/resources/META-INF/dirigible/custom-api/ExampleRequestV2.ts file.
  2. Paste the following content:
export interface ExampleRequestV2 {
    readonly exampleId: string;
    readonly exampleName: string;
  1. Create new apis/src/main/resources/META-INF/dirigible/custom-api/ExampleResponseV2.ts file.
  2. Paste the following content:
export interface SubExampleV2 {
    readonly date: Date;

export interface ExampleV2 {
    readonly id: string;
    readonly name: string;
    readonly subexamples: SubExampleV2[];

export interface ExampleResponseV2 {
    readonly examples: ExampleV2[];

Build the Custom Platform

  • Navigate to the root folder of the project (e.g. <my-custom-stack-path>/custom-stack).
  • Open the Terminal and execute the following command to build the Custom Platform:

    mvn clean install

Run the Custom Platform

  • Navigate to the root folder of the project (e.g. <my-custom-stack-path>/custom-stack).
  • Open the Terminal and execute the following command to run the Custom Stack:

    java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED -jar application/target/custom-stack-application-*.jar
  • Go to http://localhost:8080 to access the Custom Stack.

Test the Advanced TypeScript API

  • Create a project named demo-application.
  • Right click on the demo-application project and select New → TypeScript Service.
  • Enter demo-client.ts for the name of the TypeScript Service.
  • Replace the content with the following code:

    import { response } from "sdk/http";
    import { ExampleClient } from "custom-api/ExampleClient";
    import { ExampleRequest } from "custom-api/ExampleRequest";
    const exampleRequest = new ExampleRequest();
    exampleRequest.setExampleName('Custom Stack Example');
    const exampleClient = new ExampleClient();
    const exampleResponse = exampleClient.doExample(exampleRequest);
    response.println(JSON.stringify(exampleResponse, null, 2));
  • Save the changes.

  • Enter demo-client-v2.ts for the name of the TypeScript Service.
  • Replace the content with the following code:

    import { response } from "sdk/http";
    import { ExampleClientV2 } from "custom-api/ExampleClientV2";
    import { ExampleRequestV2 } from "custom-api/ExampleRequestV2";
    const exampleRequest: ExampleRequestV2 = {
        exampleId: 'example-id-1234',
        exampleName: 'Custom Stack Example'
    const exampleClient = new ExampleClientV2();
    const exampleResponse = exampleClient.doExample(exampleRequest);
    response.println(JSON.stringify(exampleResponse, null, 2));
  • Save the changes.

  • Right click on the demo-application project and select New → File.
  • Enter tsconfig.json for the name of the File.

        "compilerOptions": {
            "module": "ESNext",
            "target": "ES6",
            "moduleResolution": "Node",
            "baseUrl": "../",
            "lib": [
            "paths": {
                "sdk/*": [
                "/*": [
            "types": [
  • Save the changes.

  • Right click on the demo-application project and select New → File.
  • Enter project.json for the name of the File.

        "guid": "demo-application",
        "actions": [
                "name": "Build TypeScript",
                "commands": [
                        "os": "unix",
                        "command": "tsc"
                        "os": "windows",
                        "command": "cmd /c tsc"
                "registry": "true"
  • Save the changes.

  • Right click on the demo-application project and select Publish.
  • Select the demo-client.ts from the Projects explorer and open the Preview view to see the result.
  • Select the demo-client-v2.ts from the Projects explorer and open the Preview view to see the result.


As in the TypeScript API Client section, there is a difference between the usage of the ExampleClient and the ExampleClientV2 in the application code.

The demo-client.ts uses the ExampleClient and the native Java objects, so it has to follow the Java way of creation of objects and assigning properties, while the demo-client-v2.ts follows the TypeScript way of creation of objects and assigning properties.

Next Steps

Section Completed

After completing the steps in this tutorial, you would have:

  • Two different versions of the ExampleClient Java Facades.
  • Two different versions of the ExampleClient TypeScript APIs.
  • Learned the difference between the native Java way and native TypeScript way of implementing the Java Facades and the TypeScript APIs

Continue to the Dependency section where external Maven dependency is added and used in the Custom Stack without creating a Java Facade and TypeScript API.

Note: The complete content of the Custom Stack tutorial is available at: