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Create Perspective

All perspectives in Eclipse Dirigible are loaded via the ide-perspective extension point. List with all extension points can be found at the Extensions Overview page. To develop a new perspective, extension, perspective definition and frontend resources should be created. The following example is using AngularJS and Fundamental Library.


  1. Start Eclipse Dirigible.


    You can find more information on how to do that by following:

  2. Go to the Projects perspective and create New Project.

    • Enter my-perspective for the name of the project.
    • The project will appear under the projects list.
  3. Create perspective extension:

    • Right click on the my-perspective project and select New → Folder.
    • Enter perspective for the name of the folder.
    • Right click on the perspective folder and select New → Folder.
    • Enter extensions for the name of the folder.
    • Create perspective.extension, perspective-menu.extension, perspective-menu-window.extension and perspective-menu-help.extension files.
    1. Right click on the extensions folder and select New → Extension.
    2. Enter perspective.extension for the name of the file.
    3. Right click on the perspective.extension file and select Open With → Code Editor.
    4. Replace the content with the following definition:

          "module": "my-perspective/perspective/perspective.js",
          "extensionPoint": "ide-perspective",
          "description": "My Perspective"
    5. Save the changes and close the Code Editor.

    6. (optional) Double click on the perspective.extension file to open the extension with the Extension Editor.
    1. Right click on the extensions folder and select New → Extension.
    2. Enter perspective-menu.extension for the name of the file.
    3. Right click on the perspective-menu.extension file and select Open With → Code Editor.
    4. Replace the content with the following definition:

          "module": "my-perspective/perspective/perspective-menu.js",
          "extensionPoint": "my-perspective-menu",
          "description": "My Perspective Menu"
    5. Save the changes and close the Code Editor.

    6. (optional) Double click on the perspective-menu.extension file to open the extension with the Extension Editor.
    1. Right click on the extensions folder and select New → Extension.
    2. Enter perspective-menu-window.extension for the name of the file.
    3. Right click on the perspective-menu-window.extension file and select Open With → Code Editor.
    4. Replace the content with the following definition:

          "module": "ide-core/services/menus/window.js",
          "extensionPoint": "my-perspective-menu",
          "description": "Window Menu"
    5. Save the changes and close the Code Editor.

    6. (optional) Double click on the perspective-menu-window.extension file to open the extension with the Extension Editor.
    1. Right click on the extensions folder and select New → Extension.
    2. Enter perspective-menu-help.extension for the name of the file.
    3. Right click on the perspective-menu-help.extension file and select Open With → Code Editor.
    4. Replace the content with the following definition:

          "module": "ide-core/services/menus/help.js",
          "extensionPoint": "my-perspective-menu",
          "description": "Help Menu"
    5. Save the changes and close the Code Editor.

    6. (optional) Double click on the perspective-menu-help.extension file to open the extension with the Extension Editor.
  4. Create perspective definition:

    • Create perspective.js and perspective-menu.js files.
    1. Right click on the perspective folder and select New → JavaScript CJS Service.
    2. Enter perspective.js for the name of the file.
    3. Double click on the perspective.js file to open it with the Code Editor.
    4. Replace the content with the following code:

      const perspectiveData = {
          id: "my-perspective",
          name: "My Perspective",
          link: "../my-perspective/index.html",
          order: "1000",
          icon: "../my-perspective/icon.svg",
      if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
          exports.getPerspective = function () {
              return perspectiveData;
    5. Save the changes and close the Code Editor.

    1. Right click on the perspective folder and select New → JavaScript CJS Service.
    2. Enter perspective-menu.js for the name of the file.
    3. Double click on the perspective-menu.js file to open it with the Code Editor.
    4. Replace the content with the following code:

      exports.getMenu = function () {
          return {
              label: "My Menu",
              order: 1,
              items: [
                      label: "Empty item",
                      order: 1
                      label: "Empty item with divider",
                      divider: true,
                      order: 2
                      label: "Submenu",
                      order: 3,
                      items: [
                              label: "GitHub page",
                              data: "",
                              action: "open",
                              order: 1
                      label: "About",
                      action: "openDialogWindow",
                      dialogId: "about",
                      order: 4
    5. Save the changes and close the Code Editor.

  5. Create perspective frontend resources:

    • Create index.html, controller.js and icon.svg files.
    1. Right click on the my-perspective project and select New → HTML5 Page.
    2. Enter index.html for the name of the file.
    3. Double click on the index.html file to open it with the Code Editor.
    4. Replace the content with the following code:

      <html lang="en" ng-app="myPerspective" ng-controller="MyPerspectiveController" xmlns="">
              <meta charset="utf-8" />
              <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
              <title dg-brand-title></title>
              <!-- 'brandicon' is an AngularJS directive to set the proper favicon. Do this only for perspective and not regular views -->
              <link rel="icon" href="data:;base64,iVBORw0KGgo=" dg-brand-icon />
              <!-- Perspective data -->
              <script type="text/javascript" src="/services/v4/web/my-perspective/perspective/perspective.js"></script>
              <script type="text/javascript" src="/services/v4/js/ide-core/services/loader.js?id=ide-perspective-js"></script>
              <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
                  href="/services/v4/js/ide-core/services/loader.js?id=ide-perspective-css" />
              <!-- Project-specific stuff -->
              <script type="text/javascript" src="controller.js"></script>
          <body dg-contextmenu="contextMenuContent">
              <!-- Top IDE panel and it's contents -->
              <ide-header menu-ext-id="my-perspective-menu"></ide-header>
              <!-- Context menu overlay -->
              <!-- The container which holds the sidebar and this perspective -->
                  <ide-layout views-layout-model="layoutModel"></ide-layout>
              <!-- Alert dialog Overlay for alerts, notifications, dialogs -->
              <!-- Bottom IDE status bar -->
    5. Save the changes and close the Code Editor.

    1. Right click on the my-perspective project and select New → File.
    2. Enter controller.js for the name of the file.
    3. Double click on the controller.js file to open it with the Code Editor.
    4. Replace the content with the following code:

      let myPerspective = angular.module("myPerspective", ["ngResource", "ideLayout", "ideUI"]);
      myPerspective.config(["messageHubProvider", function (messageHubProvider) {
          messageHubProvider.eventIdPrefix = 'example';
      myPerspective.controller("MyPerspectiveController", ["$scope", "messageHub", function ($scope, messageHub) {
          $scope.layoutModel = {
              // Array of view ids
              views: ["import", "welcome", "console"],
              layoutSettings: {
                  hideEditorsPane: false
              events: {
                  "": function (msg) {
          $scope.contextMenuContent = function (element) {
              return {
                  callbackTopic: "example.contextmenu",
                  items: [
                          id: "new",
                          label: "New",
                          icon: "sap-icon--create",
                          items: [
                                  id: "tab",
                                  label: "Tab"
                          id: "other",
                          label: "Other",
                          divider: true,
                          icon: "sap-icon--question-mark"
              function (msg) {
                  if ( == "other") {
                          "You have selected the other option!"
                  } else {
                          "Nothing will happen",
                          "This is just a demo after all."
    5. Save the changes and close the Code Editor.

    1. Right click on the my-perspective project and select New → File.
    2. Enter icon.svg for the name of the file.
    3. Right click on the icon.svg file and select Open With → Code Editor.
    4. Replace the content with the following code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
       viewBox="0 0 6.3499999 6.3500002"
         id="defs2" />
           d="M 12,1 A 11,11 0 0 0 1,12 11,11 0 0 0 12,23 11,11 0 0 0 23,12 11,11 0 0 0 12,1 Z m -0.101562,4.3378906 c 0.955078,0 1.796875,0.15625 2.523437,0.4667969 0.732422,0.3046875 1.294922,0.7558594 1.6875,1.3535156 0.392578,0.5976562 0.603516,1.2734376 0.632813,2.0292969 L 15.107422,9.3105469 C 15.019531,8.4960938 14.720703,7.8808594 14.210938,7.4648438 13.707031,7.0488281 12.958984,6.8417969 11.96875,6.8417969 c -1.03125,0 -1.783203,0.1894531 -2.2578125,0.5703125 -0.46875,0.375 -0.703125,0.8300781 -0.703125,1.3632812 0,0.4628906 0.1660156,0.84375 0.5,1.1425782 0.328125,0.2988282 1.1835935,0.6054692 2.5664065,0.9218752 1.388672,0.310547 2.341797,0.583984 2.857422,0.818359 0.75,0.345703 1.302734,0.785156 1.660156,1.318359 0.357422,0.527344 0.537109,1.136719 0.537109,1.828126 0,0.685546 -0.197265,1.332031 -0.589844,1.941406 -0.392578,0.603515 -0.957031,1.074219 -1.695312,1.414062 -0.732422,0.333985 -1.558594,0.501953 -2.478516,0.501953 -1.166015,0 -2.144531,-0.169922 -2.9355465,-0.509765 C 8.6445313,17.8125 8.0253906,17.302734 7.5742188,16.623047 7.1289063,15.9375 6.8945312,15.164062 6.8710938,14.302734 l 1.609375,-0.140625 c 0.076172,0.644532 0.2519531,1.173829 0.5273437,1.589844 0.28125,0.410156 0.7148438,0.744141 1.3007815,1.001953 0.585937,0.251953 1.24414,0.378906 1.976562,0.378906 0.650391,0 1.22461,-0.09766 1.722656,-0.291015 0.498047,-0.193359 0.867188,-0.457031 1.107422,-0.791016 0.246094,-0.339843 0.369141,-0.707031 0.369141,-1.105469 0,-0.404296 -0.117188,-0.755859 -0.351563,-1.054687 C 14.898438,13.585938 14.511719,13.330078 13.972656,13.125 13.626953,12.990234 12.863281,12.783203 11.679688,12.501953 10.496094,12.214844 9.6660156,11.945312 9.1914062,11.693359 8.5761719,11.371094 8.1171875,10.972656 7.8125,10.498047 7.5136719,10.017578 7.3632812,9.4804687 7.3632812,8.8886719 c 10e-8,-0.6503906 0.1855469,-1.2558594 0.5546876,-1.8183594 0.3691406,-0.5683593 0.9082031,-1 1.6171874,-1.2929687 C 10.244141,5.484375 11.03125,5.3378906 11.898438,5.3378906 Z"
           transform="scale(0.26458334)" />
    1. Save the changes and close the Code Editor.
  6. Refresh the browser.


    In some cases you may want to go to Theme → Reset to clean Web IDE state.

  7. The new perspective should be visibile at the bottom of the perspectives list.


    Alternatively go to Window → Open Perspective → My Perspective to open the new perspective.